Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sin -- forgiven but forgotten?

As I was driving back home Sunday night I had some time for thinking as all of the kids were out cold in the back seat. I was thinking about sin, specifically the forgiveness of sin. Every single day it seems like there is something that needs confession and forgiveness. The bible tells us that when we seek God's forgiveness that we will be washed whiter than snow. The ultimate forgive and forget. So why then do we hold onto our past sins? I know there are quite a few that I have a hard time letting go. It occurred to me that it is a way for Satan to try to stick his foot in our Godly walk. He knows that he can't win us over to his side but he still wants to reak havoc in our lives. What better way than to continually throw all of our sins back in our faces? The perfect way to halt us on the path of righteousness and invite us to wallow in our past. Maybe recognition is the first step to casting off any stronghold that satan tries to place on our lives. If we understand that being plagued by past sins is not from God we then know that it must be from satan. The second step would be praying for a release of that stronghold which if we pray in God's name will be granted. If we state to God that we will no longer wallow in the sins of our past but learn from them and move on God will provide the strength we need to do so. This is my challenge for the week. I need to seek out God, repent for the last time of the sins that hold me back and continue on my journey to righteousness.

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