Monday, October 15, 2007


I was just playing a worship song and I loved the lyrics.

"My peace I give unto you; it's a peace that the world can not give. It's a peace that the world can not understand; peace to know, peace to live, My peace I give unto you."

It really fits in with my recent mind wanderings. I was thinking about how Christians always say that God will never give us more than we can handle. I often catch myself thinking that I am no Job and there is no way I could go through certain things. The Bible also tells us that with God anything is possible. Luke 1:37 -- "For nothing is impossible with God". With God on our side we can handle anything. It may not always be gracefully for we are imperfect. So, when I look at Job and think that I could never go through that I know that isn't the truth. I can go through it and God can refine me on the way through. In the meantime I pray for peace in my circumstances and find that God is giving me that peace. There are days that are more of a struggle but there are also days where I am incomprehensibly at peace. What are your giants this week? What are you battling? God will be by your side guiding you through because with God it is possible to endure and overcome!

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