Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stop fighting or I'll turn this car around

It really is amazing just how little things have changed in 200o years or so. The letter to the Galatians is written because of a disagreement in the church. There are the folks who are holding tight to every single law that was in place before Christ and those that never really knew anything about those laws. The one group is saying that the law still needs to be followed. Things need to stay the same way. Does this sound familiar? I've sure seen it in the current day church. "We can't have drums. There weren't drums when I was growing up in the church." "The pastor really should wear a three piece suit. Jeans are sacreligous." I know that we've all heard things like that. Paul writes to these folks to tell them to stop fighting over such inconsequential stuff. The huge issue seems to be circumcision. Paul tells these folks that it doesn't matter. Jesus was the fulfillment of the nitty gritty part of the law. Let's move on to more important issues Paul is saying. Let's make sure that the truth is taught and not tainted by meaningless bickering. Boy can we all learn from Paul's words to the Galatians. We need to focus less on the little things and focus more on the correct and truthful teaching of the word. After all, the Bible never told us we couldn't have drums.


Kim said...

Great blog! I've been having similar discussions with friends lately myself! Galatians is such an interesting book! So is Corinthians when Paul is writing to the Church at Corinth regarding their fighting and behavior. Very insightful!

Dani said...

Loved the title, it was perfect! How true is it, I am blessed with a Pastor that is open to the movement of the Lord and thank you for helping me not taking it for granted!